martes, 7 de julio de 2009

At this time you already know what is phonetics and the different organts that participate in the process of speech production.
Now go to SLIDESHARE and see and important information relating to vowels.

UNIT 2: Go to this link from slideshare and do the the Workshop N. 1


I. Write True or False according to the slides.
• Phonetics is the study of animals speech sounds. ( )
• Articulatory phonetics is the study of how speech sounds are produced by the human vocal apparatus. ( )
• Auditory phonetics is the study of the sound waves made by the human vocal organs for communication. ( )
• Acoustic phonetics is the study of how speech sounds are perceived by the ear, auditory nerve, and brain. ( )
II. Answer the questions:
• What are the organs that participate in the production of the speech?

• What are the active articulators?

III. Look up in a thesaurus dictionary (English- English dictionary) the meaning of the following concepts:

IV. Translate into English the following words:

 Habla: _________________________________________________
 Organos de la producción oral: _____________________________
 Labio superior: __________________________________________
 Labio inferior: __________________________________________